Realize inspiring spaces for every boy
Realizing inspiring spaces for every boy means having a continuum of safe and appropriate learning spaces, from pre-kindergarten through sixth form. The Character at Our Core campaign built upon previous campaigns to rebuild much of our campus. The new Middle School is pedagogically appropriate, safe and accessible, and provides flexible spaces that facilitate high-quality teaching and learning.
News and updates
March 2019: The Haverford School announces the $50M Character at Our Core campaign >
July 2019: Ceremonial groundbreaking and Crosman Hall demolition >
September 2019: Virtue Village ribbon cutting ceremony >
October 2019: The Philadelphia Inquirer: Campus construction becomes a lab to teach students >
March 2020: Chester County Life: Extraordinary New Building Aligns with Best-for-Boys Education >
Insights from lead architect Maarten Pesch of WRT >
Jay Greytok '83, Head of Middle SchoolOur space that we hope to create for the boys is one where the program drives the space, the space doesn’t drive the program. They’re going to be in work environments where there won’t be too many walls – they’ll have to communicate and collaborate on a global level. We want to be sure they have those skills coming out of Middle School.
Middle School Naming Opportunities
$7.5 million
- Middle School building - AVAILABLE
$1.5 million
- Football/Lacrosse Stadium - TENTATIVE
$1 million
- Plaza Entrance - RESERVED
- Commons/Atrium - RESERVED
- LEED Certification - AVAILABLE
- Maker Space - AVAILABLE
- Learning Commons - TENTATIVE
- Administrative Office Suite - RESERVED
- 6th Grade Pod - RESERVED
- 7th Grade Pod - RESERVED
- 8th Grade Pod - RESERVED
- Outdoor Back Patio - AVAILABLE
- First Floor Science Lab - AVAILABLE
- Second Floor Science Lab - RESERVED
- Third Floor Science Lab - RESERVED
- New Private Dining Room - RESERVED
- First Floor Classroom (4) - RESERVED (4)
- Second Floor Classroom (5) - RESERVED (4), TENTATIVE (1)
- Third Floor Classroom (6) - RESERVED (4), TENTATIVE (1), AVAILABLE (1)
- Green Roof Space - AVAILABLE
- First Floor Collaboration Space - RESERVED
- Second Floor Collaboration Space - RESERVED
- Third Floor Collaboration Space – RESERVED
- First Floor Science Storage Room/Office – AVAILABLE
- Second Floor Science Storage Room/Office - AVAILABLE
- Third Floor Science Storage Room/Office - AVAILABLE
- Counseling Office - RESERVED
- Learning Commons Classroom – RESERVED
- Balcony Sitting Area - RESERVED
- Teachers Room - RESERVED
- Lactation Room – AVAILABLE
- Existing Private Dining Room – RESERVED
- Other Small Classroom – RESERVED (2)
Construction Time Lapse Video - October 2019
Explore the Character at Our Core priorities
Join us!
To all who have supported Character at Our Core - thank you. You have the heartfelt gratitude of the entire Haverford School community.
Our work in providing boys the best support as they grow into young men is not done. You can still support important initiatives at The Haverford School by making a gift to The Haverford Fund.
If you’d like to discuss a way to create a lasting impact at the School, please contact Stephanie DiSesa.