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Perfect Present

Dec 11, 12, 13

Perfect Present is an annual Lower School tradition where the boys shop for holiday gifts for their family members. It is a way for them to be a part of the giving side of the holidays! It's also an excellent opportunity for them to learn how to spread their budgeted money across many gifts and practice thinking of others. Each item is kept to a reasonable price to accommodate all budgets—many gifts can be purchased for a few dollars. It's the thought that counts! This year we will have a selection of traditional gifts and crafts made by Haverford moms, so there is something for everyone!

The event chairs will take care of providing all of the gifts, but we can always use volunteers to help with setup and on the day of. Please consider helping out. Our volunteer needs can be found on the Signup Genius.

For more information about Perfect Present, contact Chairpersons Lauren Lawson and Masha Harrington.

Perfect Present Schedule

Time Thurs, 12/12 Fri, 12/13
8:45–9:15 Gavin McKean
9:15–9:45 Berrodin Helfrich
9:45–10:15 Thorburn Gallagher
10:15–10:45 Heavey Hullhorst
10:45–11:15 Langdon Gillin
11:15–11:45 Kearney  
1:15–1:45 Popky/ Williams TG3: Favoroso
TG2: Pulos
1:45–2:15 Spaventa TG1: Cahill
TG4: Allman
2:15–2:45 McCloskey  




Sample Price List

The following list is designed to provide a sample of the offerings at Perfect Present. 

Pencil Sharpener: $0.25

Eraser: $0.75

Magnet: $1.25

Pen: $1.50

Keychain: $2.50

Mood Ring: $3.50

Ornament: $4.25

Mug: $5.00

Bear: $6.00

Cap: $6.50

Money Bank: $7.25

HSPA Crafts

We can only accept cash for these items.

Bracelets: $2

Ornaments: $2

Cookie Mix Mason Jars: $10