Welcome, families!
This is your one-stop-shop for parent information and resources. If you have suggestions or need help locating something, please contact communications@haverford.org. Go Fords!
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Resources & information
School news
FAQ: Lower School
- What are the hours of Lower School?
- Do you have extended hours?
- What is the Lower School dress code?
- How do I report an absence?
- When will I get my class assignment?
What are the hours of Lower School?
Do you have extended hours?
What is the Lower School dress code?
How do I report an absence?
When will I get my class assignment?
FAQ: Middle/Upper School
Centennial Hall
Centennial Hall
Centennial Hall
Gulph Mills Golf Club
Centennial Hall
Nostrant Pavilion in Palmer House
HSPA events
Gulph Mills Golf Club
Nostrant Pavilion in Palmer House
Google Meet
Nostrant Pavilion in Palmer House
Montgomery Board Room