Preparing Boys for Life

My Backpack Help

What is My Backpack?

My Backpack is Haverford's online resource for parent, alumni, and faculty directory information and each student's attendance and grade reports. If you've forgotten your username and/or password, just click on the "Forgot your Login?" link below the My Backpack log in, and follow the instruction prompts.

If My Backpack won't open ...

Pop-up blockers on browsers are the number one reason why My Backpack won't open, particularly if you DON'T see an error message when you are trying to log in.

If you have updated your software or changed computers since you last accessed My Backpack, and now you can't log in, it's likely that a pop-up blocker has been installed. Learn how to disable pop-up blockers >

Forgot your login?

Click the My Backpack Login button above right, then click "I Forgot My User Name/Password" under the login boxes.

NOTE: You will need to use the username that Haverford currently has on file for you in the School's database. If you receive a message in return saying that your username or email address cannot be found, and asking you to "contact the administrator," please contact the Help Desk.

Contact the Help Desk

If you would like to speak to the Help Desk, please call 610-642-3020, ext. 1956 or email We will address your request as quickly as possible. Thank you!

My Backpack LoginGrades, attendance, and more.