Preparing Boys for Life

Honor Code

As a member of the Haverford community, I am a man of integrity who embodies respect, honesty, and courage.

The mission of The Haverford School Honor Code is to facilitate the moral, social, and character development of each boy and prepare students to address moral challenges honorably. The Honor Code promotes a strong sense of community based on respect, honesty, and courage.

The Haverford School Character Program

Character Mentorship Program

Students in Haverford's Character Mentorship Program (CMP) work closely with freshmen to discuss the topics of character, decision-making, problem-solving, and healthy community lifestyles to help ensure a positive transition to the Upper School. Along with faculty, members of the CMP also manage a 4-6 week reflective and restorative process with any student who has committed an Honor Code violation. As a group, they aim to forge a strong foundation for boys' wellbeing at Haverford.

Honor Council

The Honor Council is the disciplinary body of The Haverford School and it is a student run organization. The Honor Council is made up of:

  • 4 Form VI Students
  • 3 Form V Students
  • 2 Form IV Students
  • 2 non-voting Faculty Advisers

We ask ...

  • Does this action mislead or deceive?
  • Does this action give me or others an unfair advantage?
  • Does this action deprive another person of his/her rightful property?
  • Does this action hurt or disrespect another person?
  • Does this action bring discredit to The Haverford School community and reputation?