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Meet Our Tour Guides

Our tour guides are some of the first faces you'll see on our campus. They are the young academics, athletes, and actors who will lead you on tours past the Walk of Virtues, through the Quad, and into our classrooms.

Our tour guide captains—Luke, Fred, Quin, Chase, and Render—recently reflected on their favorite features of The Haverford School. They answered a series of questions, covering topics from joy to admiration, hard lessons learned to strong relationships formed. Their responses show the many ways our community lives our mission and embodies our core virtues. As you read through their answers below, imagine your own Haverford journey.




On scholarship

I love any form of presentation. Students thrive the most when they have access to the thoughts of their peers and classmates. For this reason, I had a lot of fun presenting my findings on the Augustan figure Marcus Agrippa. This was no ordinary trifold. When developing my research, I learned how to not only gather reliable information but also how to frame it within an argument. What meaningful arguments can you make about a person who died two thousand years ago? Plenty.



On friendship

I'll never forget my best friend's name being announced at Commencement as he walked up to Mr. Casertano, shaking his hand and receiving his diploma alongside a round of applause. I know that when that will be me up there come Spring, some junior in the stands will see me walk up there and will feel the same way I did a year before: proud of their friend for years of hard work, and years of being a friend.



On support

I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the support of my classmates, teammates, and all of my brothers here at Haverford. I find Haverford to be a very collaborative community where everyone is here to help one another. If you are struggling, there is always going to be someone here to help you, whether it be a classmate, a teacher, a learning specialist or any other member of our community.



On courage

Having courage was something I had to work really hard to master during my journey at Haverford, due to my timid nature. As I got older and connected to Haverford, I was able to reach that virtue through and through. My advice for new students is to be open to all the experiences Haverford can provide, never be quick to judge or fear something new or out of your comfort zone.



On character

I admire my third grade teacher, Mrs. Thorburn. The genuine joy that she has for teaching can be felt at all times in her classroom. I always go back to visit her on tours because she is such a positive person. She taught me how to be a gentleman and molded me into an engaged student. I attribute much of my success in recent years to lessons she taught me when I was young. 

Tour Guide captains