Starting in Haverford's Lower School, a pre-kindergarten through fifth grade elementary school, our community builds your son’s abilities, strengths, and areas of development.
Sensory-rich lessons, open classroom spaces, and twice-daily recesses celebrate boys’ innate need for movement and activity, resulting in more focused and engaged learning. An emphasis on reading and writing, expressive language, fine motor development, and physical, social, and emotional growth helps Haverford boys become their best selves.
Our Middle School engages boys academically, artistically, and athletically, helping them grow in intelligence, creativity, and strength.
A daily assortment of liberal arts classes, mixed with the fine arts and sports, create a well-rounded boy who begins to find his aptitudes and where he fits in the world. Thinkers and doers, these young men are encouraged to take risks and make mistakes in a safe, supportive, and caring environment as we prepare them for the next step, high school.
Haverford's Upper School offers powerful learning experiences, both formal and informal, to prepare students for success.
Our classes offer the hands-on, up-on-your feet, collaborative problem-solving exercises that boys enjoy and the structured direction and clear expectations that they need. Time designated for extra help, small classes, an advisory program, and the Enrichment and Learning Center helps each student realize his full potential.
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